Stay updated about wellness topics
Learn how to view wellness content from all over the web curated by our experts.
Feeling overwhelmed by the vast amount of wellness information online? Sorting through questionable sources can be exhausting and time-consuming. Wellics™ is here to help!
Our experts have curated authoritative health and wellness resources from all over the web to save you time spent on endless online searches and content of poor quality and questionable validity. Our trusted toolbox will educate you on various aspects of well-being through a variety of resources in the form of videos, podcasts, articles and many more.
To view the educational content:
- In the left sidebar menu, click
- Click on the CTA buttons (Watch now / Read more / Find out more / Download now / Listen Now).
Please note:
- When you click on one of the CTA buttons you will be transferred to another website, and you will have to get back to the Wellics™ platform once you’ve finished.
Additional actions on content:
- You may Sort the content by Latest, by Oldest, or by Title by selecting the relevant option from the
- You may filter out the content based on the well-being dimension by selecting the relevant option from the Dimension list.
- You may filter out the content based on the type of resource by selecting the relevant option from the
drop-down list.
- You may navigate to the next pages by clicking on the > button on the Page controller.
- You may search for specific content by clicking on the
button and start typing.
As you type, you will get a list of the resources with matching title. If you click on one of these, you will go directly to the resource landing page.
- You may filter out the content by clicking on a Hashtag from a specific resource.
With Wellics™ curated content, you have everything you need to embark on a well-informed and enriching wellness journey!